Monday, January 7, 2013

Live the life you've imagined

I am back to taking baby steps hoping to lose some weight and get some other things together! I wrote this on my bathroom mirror last night. (it is hard to take a good picture of that, be thankful I can crop a photo)

"Live the life you've imagined." I need to imagine things before I can make them a reality. I control that reality more than I think. I want to make some big changes and have had a lot of motivation over the past week. I need to be careful to not get overwhelmed and focus on a little bit of progress at a time.

I keep saying I'm not ready to commit 100% and that may be true in some ways, but I am more than ready to do SOMETHING!!! Ok, I got on the scale this morning. 198. Not at all where I want to be, but I had a baby in June, and now I am going to work on getting back to where I want to be!

I am thinking about setting up some goals and rewards, like a new bathroom scale (clear with oil rubbed bronze to match my bathroom, LOL), a new pair of sneakers, etc. has anyone had this help them? I need to give it some more thought.

Right now I am sitting in my car, in a shady part of a parking lot eating beer bread, drinking a coke, and tweezing my eyebrows. Glamorous, huh? I am on my way to join a gym though. I should have time before preschool pickup. I want to at least attend a few Zumba classes a week. Maybe my goal should even just be 1 class a week. I have to work out my schedule. I am doing SOMETHING though!!

P.S. I can't remove the duplicate copy of this picture from this app on my phone. Can anyone recommend a good way to blog from my iPhone?

Monday, May 24, 2010

So, this is why

I decided to start counting today, but not worrying about limiting my points. Or at least not much. So, guess how many of my 25 I used for breakfast!!!! More than half. That's right, 13 pts so far. 3 Thomas' Corn bread Toast'r cakes (not something I usually have - just something I bought during a weak moment at the store yesterday, and I don't even LOVE them) at 3 pts each. 3 pts for 1 Tbsp. of butter, and 4 pts for 16 oz. of Turkey Hill decaf iced tea. If I had not been counting I easily would have had 24+ oz. of the iced tea. Probably followed by a bunch of pts of soda!!!

I guess this is a start! Of what, I don't yet know :-)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Yeah, that is what I saw this morning. I checked it a few times. No change. 199. My highest non-pregnancy weight EVER. I have had a lot going on, but that shouldn't be an excuse. I know I've done what I needed to do to survive many nights with very little sleep. I know I didn't have any extra energy, emotional or physical, to do more or think about more. I could have done much better though!!!!!

I need to get it together and actually make some progress, no matter how small. Otherwise, I am going to have to waste money on some new size 16 jeans and I REALLY don't want to do that! My 14s are not in great shape, so I'm at a turning point, LOL. They are starting to get holes near where the back pockets attach at the top corners. I'll pretend that it's because I stuff my phone in there, and not because of them just being too small!

I can't believe I let this happen but I need to get over it and move forward. I am going to start drinking more water and less soda (yes, yet again), and I'm going to start counting points and getting prepared for being totally OP next week.

A new yoga studio opened very close to me. I have always wanted to take a class at an actual studio instead of random classes at a gym. I am going to check that out - maybe it can be a reward. I am also going to look into gym options with childcare - that could be an AMAZING little break for me and would be so so good for me physically too!!!!

So, that is where I'm at. I'm tempted to do another of my spreadsheets to see where I can be by when if I lose 1lb. a week. We'll see!!!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


The summer Title Nine catalog came today. I want to be able to wear all of these awesome sporty outfits. The strappy dresses, tank tops, skirts, etc. They have such cute stuff!!! LOVE it!

This is another summer where I won't be close to my goal weight, but I could be closER.

Some more motivation - I don't want to be the fat cookie lady, LOL! I want people to say things like "HOW do you stay SO thin when you are around all of those cookies all the time?" I am even fine if they are suspicious about how good my cookies could really be.

Ok, off to bake!

Friday, February 26, 2010

a week later

and I haven't been checking in here!!!! 192 on the scale this morning. I have done some good meals - the Balsamic Beef sandwiches in the crock pot were awesome. YUM.

I got cans of soda like I said I would, but I think I'd had 2 or 3 12 packs. I need to pay attention to how many I have a day! I need to get back on track - on a track I wasn't even on in the first place, LOL.

I have to try to incorporate some exercise and work on the soda thing - those are my 2 short-term goals. I also want to take BEFORE pics!!! I think that will be some good motivation, but mostly, I want to be able to see how far I've come! I want to take measurements but never know how to do them.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

a few meals

I haven't been perfect today, but I've been a little better, and I am going to start planning meals as a way to be more healthy.

Tonight I'm making an easy chicken pot pie. Tomorrow I'm trying Slow Cooker Balsamic Beef Sandwiches. Thanks to Jill for suggesting the slow cooker recipe!

I didn't get too much at the store today, but I'll do some more planning, including healthy snacks this weekend. I bought some 12 packs of cans of soda - I am going to try that as a way to limit and portion myself without going cold turkey and freaking out! I am drinking lots of water!!

here we go again

Spring and summer are coming SOON, and here I am again dreading what I'll wear and how I'll feel in my skin. I am tired of seeing myself write about not making any progress, so I'm sure nobody else wants to hear it! I just need to do this.

I have been seeing 194 on the scale in the past few weeks - my highest non-pregnancy weight - and I'm so mad at myself!! This morning I saw 190.5. Yesterday or the day before 192. I know it fluctuates.

I haven't solved my soda problem, and I still haven't been exercising. I have started the sit-up and push-up challenges 5 or 6 times now I think. I almost typed LOL but maybe it should be COL (cry out loud) or SOL (scream out loud). At least it is something I guess.

I need to work on baby steps to get into some good and healthy routines. NEED. TO.

I am going to set a goal based on Kate's birthday - it's a date coming up, and it's significant since it will be 2 years since I had my last baby. I still think about being 171 soon after I had her. Ugh!!!!! Ok, so 1lb. a week until her birthday is 12lb. Wow, 12 lb. sounds like a lot and could really make a difference, right???? I'd be thrilled with 10 by then. Then I think that I'd be 180 or so, and that isn't even that good. LOL, yeah, well it's in the right direction and I have not gone anywhere lately. I have to get to 180 before I get to 160! Or 140!!!!!!

I don't even know what to say I'm going to do. I could say I'll be OP on WW, but I don't even know. I have to think about it more!