I haven't been perfect today, but I've been a little better, and I am going to start planning meals as a way to be more healthy.
Tonight I'm making an easy chicken pot pie. Tomorrow I'm trying Slow Cooker Balsamic Beef Sandwiches. Thanks to Jill for suggesting the slow cooker recipe!
I didn't get too much at the store today, but I'll do some more planning, including healthy snacks this weekend. I bought some 12 packs of cans of soda - I am going to try that as a way to limit and portion myself without going cold turkey and freaking out! I am drinking lots of water!!
7 months ago
I make that easy pot pie. LOVE IT. If you'd like a tasty suggestion, add a bit of shredded cheese on top of the veggie/chicken mixture before adding the bisquick mixture. Don't stir in, just layer. So yummy. And if you use a cup worth over the whole pan, it doesn't add that much to the point value.
Thank you Kate - great suggestion!!! We really enjoyed it, though Katie wouldn't eat it. Not sure what to do about that as far as making it again!
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